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Rochegrosse, Georges (painting)

Le bal des ardents (Ball of the ardent)

Print, monochrome, 1890 approx., 12 x 15.1 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Breton, Jules (painting)

La Saint-Jean (Saint John's day)

Print, woodcut, 1875,   15.5 x 27.4 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




The cholera at Toulon. Scene on the quay

Print, woodcut, 1884,   22 x 31 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Chéret, Jules (1836-1932)

Folies-Bergère. La danse du feu (Folies-Bergère. The fire dance)

Print, lithograph, poster, 1897, 88 x 123 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection 



Dunki (drawing)

Les fêtes populaires dans les Alpes Savoisiennes -

Le 14 juillet aux Chalets de Bonnevaux (Popular feasts in the Alps of Savoia. 14/07/1885 at Chalets de Bonnevaux)

Print, wood, 1885, 25.5 x 20.5 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Mouligné (drawing)

Le feu de la Saint-Jean (The fire of Saint John)

Illustration for the poem "Les feux de la Saint Jean", words by Pierre Barbier, music by Henri Maréchal

Print, color, 1896, 7.5 x 22.9 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




La danse à travers le monde (Dance around the world)

Print, 1922, 5.2 x 18.8 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Pascal, Paul

Feu de joie en Bretagne (A fire of joy in Britanny)

Painting, 1904

Alkis Raftis Collection




Gamain, Louis-Honoré-Frédéric

La danse du Bambou ou La Bamboula (Dance of Bambou or La Bamboula)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1850 approx.

Alkis Raftis Collection




Les feux de la Saint-Jean en Bretagne (The Saint-John fires in Britanny)

Print, lithograph, color, 1893

Alkis Raftis Collection




Lix (engraving)

Théâtre de l'Opéra - Accident arrivé à Mlle Emma Livry pendant la repétition de "La muette de Portici"

The accident occured in the Paris Opera, on 15/11/1862. Emma Livry died after eight months' suffering, on 26/07/1863, aged twenty

Print, wood, 1862, 15.7 x 22.5 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Merwart, Paul (drawing)

The fire in the Comic Opera of Paris: The figurants, ballet dancers and dressing room personnel seeking safety through the roof windows

Der Brand der Opéra in Paris: Die Figuranted, Ballettänzerinnen und das Garderobepersonal, durch die Dachfenster Rettung suchend

Print, 1887, 28 x 19.7 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Brand der Komischen Oper in Paris (Fire of the Comic Opera in Paris)

Print, 1887, 31.8 x 22.9 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Destex, Paul (drawing)

La catastrophe de l'Opéra-Comique: La fuite du public

(The disaster of the Comic Opera: The public fleeing)

A scene from the fire in the Opéra Comique dance theater in Paris

Print 1887 23.3 x 22.9 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Quillenbois (drawing)

Les bons journeaux finiront par éclairer la population des campagnes

(Good newspapers will finally illuminate the provincial population)

Print, 1848, 9.2 x 14 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection




Taupes et mulots

Print, woodcut, 1855, 16.5 x 22.5 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection





Durand, G. Godefroy (drawing)

Farandole aux flambeaux (Farandole with torches)

Les Eaux-Bonnes. Farandole aux flambeaux, dansée sur la place de la résidence du vice-roi d'Egypte le soir de son arrivée,

d'après la photographie de M. Pacaull.

Print, wood, 1869, 18 x 22.5 cm

Alkis Raftis Collection

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